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la Regola Selva di Cadore
The Magnifica Regola of Selva di Cadore and Pescul


The "Regole" are a typical institution of Cadore, governed by particular regulations established by statutes and centuries-old traditions. Their principle was originally based on solidarity among the original inhabitants, who were assigned joint and inalienable ownership of forests and pastures, sufficient to ensure the survival of even the less affluent.

Belonging to the "Regola" therefore had its advantages, but it also entailed various obligations, such as providing free labor to the Community, known as "piodech," which included tasks like pasture cleaning, snow clearance, night watch service against fires during drought periods, and so on.

The right of being a "regoliere" is still inherited today, while the administration of the "Regola" governs the common use of forests and pastures, preserving them for collective utilization.


In ancient times, the lands of the Magnifica Regola of Selva and Pescul di Cadore belonged to the Regole of Mondeval and Ferstornigo of S. Vito di Cadore. The first settlers in Selva were indeed "regolieri" of S. Vito. Once established in the new territory, these "regolieri" raised issues regarding usage and distribution with the original Regole.

In 1389, a territorial division was reached among the communities, with boundaries set between the Regola of Mondeval and the "regoliere" communities of Selva and Pescul. The joint ownership and use of the other side of the valley belonging to the Regola of Ferstornigo, namely Staulanza, Corgnola, and Palafavera, remained shared among the communities of S. Vito, Borca, Selva, and Pescul for centuries (it would take until 1630 to reach a consensual division).

Boundary disputes also arose between the Regola of Pescul and the Regole of Selva (Ru, Vila, Granda, Piciola). The issue was resolved through arbitration in 1489, which defined the boundaries of the two "particular" property areas: the "vizza" of Mareson belonging to the Regola of Pescul and the "vizza de Sassgriss" belonging to the four Regole of Selva. All other forests, meadows, and pastures with the described boundaries were defined as common property between the consortia of Selva and Pescul, that is, the individuals represented in the Regole.

This is the fundamental and unmodified document that defines the common properties between the Regole of Selva and the Regola of Pescul, as well as the subsequent heritage of the Magnifica Regola of Selva and Pescul di Cadore.

Storia Regole Selva di Cadore


Recupero degli abeti rossi attaccati dal bostrico

Intervento SRD12.2 Ripristino del potenziale forestale danneggiato

Adeguamento della viabilità silvopastorale in loc. “VIZA DE MARESON” - 2019/2021

Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale (FEASR)


Ente appaltante: Magnifica Regola di Selva e Pescul

Autorizzazioni: Regione Veneto Area tutela e sviluppo del territorio – Dir. operativa – Unità Organizzativa Forestale Est autorizzazione prot. n. 406665 del 08/10/2019; Permesso di costruire Comune Selva di Cadore n. 06/2018 del 28/11/2018 (Pratica SUAP n. 00951580257-30082018-1208)

Progetto esecutivo: dott. for. Daniele Belli

Direzione dei lavori: dott. for. Daniele Belli

Direttore tecnico del cantiere: Dell’Andrea Giampaolo

Impresa esecutrice: SELVA SCAVI SNC – Via Al Monico n. 5 – 32020 Selva di Cadore (BL) – C.f. DLL GPL 54E 19I 592V – P.Iva 00252730254

Data di inizio lavori: 01/07/2019
Data di fine lavori: 06/09/2021
Totale lavori in appalto: 238.000,00 Euro

INIZIATIVA FINANZIATA DAL PROGRAMA DI SVILUPPO RURALE PER IL VENETO 2014-2020 D.G.R. 736/2018 - Intervento 4.3.1 “Infrastrutture viarie silvopastorali, ricomposizione e miglioramento fondiario e servizi in rete”

Domanda n. 4106255
Organismo responsabile dell’informazione: Magnifica Regola di Selva e Pescul
Autorità di gestione: Regione del Veneto - Direzione AdG FEASR Parchi e Foreste



  Modulistica Regole 

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